With Father’s Day fast approaching, if you’re like me, you’re planning a BBQ dinner to celebrate the day and honor, or remember, your Father or Father-figure in your life.
While BBQing your meat is a fast, easy and tasty way to prepare a meal, there are a few things to be mindful of to keep yourself healthy. Consuming char broiled and well-done meat has been linked to an increased risk in cancer, specifically prostate cancer risk.
Why you ask?
Cooking meat at high temperatures creates chemicals called HCA’s (heterocyclic amines) and PAA’s (polycyclic aromatic hydracarbons). These 2 substances are known carcinogens that can cause changes in DNA and possibly lead to cancer.
No need to panic. You don’t need to give up your favorite BBQ meals just yet as there are several things you can do to minimize the formation of HCA’s in your meat.
- Consume flavonoids (phytochemicals in berries, cherries, red grapes, apples, citrus fruit, broccoli, kale, onions and tea). Flavonoids are thought to block the formation of HCAs in meat.
- Choose leaner meats and trim the fat away before grilling. When fat drips, flames that flare up create smoke which leads to carcinogen formation. If the meat does char then trim it away before eating.
- Cut back on grill time. Cooking meat for a long time exposes it to more smoke and flames. Microwave or bake your meat first and then finish it off on the BBQ.
- Marinate meat for a minimum of 10 minutes before grilling to reduce the formation of HCAs. These may prevent carcinogen formation.
Ingredients in a marinade need to contain at least these 4 ingredients:- a sour – vinegar or citrus juice
- a sweet – maple syrup or coconut sugar
- an oil – grapeseed oil or olive oil (low temp cooking only)
- a spice – garlic or oregano
- Cook at a lower temperature and indirect heat. Turn the gas down or wait for the charcoal to become low-burning embers.

Summertime BBQ marinade
- 1/3 cup coconut sugar packed
- 6 tbsp grapeseed oil
- 4 tbsp apple cider vinegar
- 3 garlic cloves crushed
- 3 tbsp mustard grainy
- 4 tbsp lemon juice
- Mix all ingredients in a large bowl or zip bag.
- Add the meat of your choice; coat all sides.
- Marinate for a minimum of 10 minutes. You may soak longer to intensify the flavors but research shows that longer marinating times do not increase the anti-cancer benefits.
- Remove meat from marinade and place on hot grill.
- Remove meat from grill as soon as it’s done: Longer grilling produces more carcinogens (cancer-causing agents).
In good health,