How do I speed up my metabolism?
You aren’t the only one asking this question. It’s a hot topic of discussion this time of year. Spring and summer are right around the corner. That means tank tops, shorts and the dreaded bathing suit. Unfortunately there is no right answer to that popular question. How your body burns calories is dependant on a variety of factors. Age, weight, height, level of activity, medications, sleep quality and stress levels all play a role in regulating or revving up your metabolism. Men burn more calories then women, even while resting. Both men and women over the age of 40 have a harder time losing weight because metabolism starts to naturally slow down. Don’t be so quick to blame your winter weight-gain on your metabolism. Your food choices and exercise level, or lack there of, play a significant role in helping to speed up your metabolism. Read on for WOW!’s list of top 5 ways to boost your metabolism. Fill Up On Fiber: Starting your day with a high fiber choice helps to regulate your blood sugar levels and keep you feeling full throughout the morning. You are aiming to get 25 – 35 grams of fiber per day. Fill up on berries, beans, lentils, whole grains and chia seeds for added fiber. Lift Weights: The resting metabolic rate is much higher in people who have a good body composition. Every pound of muscle uses about 6 calories per day just to sustain itself. The more lean muscle mass you have the more calories you burn sitting around doing nothing. Drink Green Tea: Green tea is a known super food. Research has shown that those people who drink 2 – 4 cups of green tea per day may push the body to burn 17% more calories during moderate to intense exercise. Here’s a tip, brew your green tea and throw some ice cubes in and drink it while you are working out. Have a Lean Protein with Every Meal: Protein burns more calories during digestion then both carbohydrates and fat. Protein helps to stabilize blood sugar and helps you to feel fuller for a longer period of time. You should aim for 20 – 30 grams of protein per meal. Stop Crash or Yo-yo Dieting: A crash diet means eating less then 1000 calories per day. Most people don’t even realize they are engaging in a crash diet 2-3 days out of the week. Then the weekend hits and they binge to make up for the lack of calories missed throughout the week. If you do lose weight through yo-yo dieting the weight loss often comes from a loss of lean muscle mass, which further slows the metabolism. There are more ways to boost your metabolism, this list is not the end, just the beginning. The bottom line is that every body is different and that no two people will burn calories in the same way. If you are looking to boost your metabolism to shed the weight you gained over the winter, follow the tips above, start enjoying the fresh produce of spring and get off the couch! In good health, Cheryl Wahl, RHN
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